Oprah’s Road To Success

Everyone knows Oprah. No matter where you are in the world, everyone has heard of Oprah Winfrey in one way or another. Many of these people do not understand or know how Oprah came to be. Nothing was handed to her, it was hard work and determination that got her to where she is today.

Growing up, Oprah lived with her grandmother since her parents were only teenagers at the time. This lasted until she was the age of six, when her grandmother passed away and when she moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her mother. While with her mother, Oprah rebelled as she transitioned into a teenager. She acted just as any other teenager, running away from home, breaking her things to get newer things, and even getting pregnant at the age of fourteen, even though the baby sadly passed away at birth. With her mother being fed up with Oprah, sent her to Nashville, Tennessee to live with her father. This move was a turning point for Oprah as she found herself in Tennessee.Oprah_Thumbnail_3

When Oprah arrived to Nashville she found, unlike her mother, her father was very strict and made sure Oprah focused on school and going to college. This push by her father helped Oprah become an honor roll student, and help mold her into the social butterfly she is today. Her grades and outstanding ability to speak publicly earned Oprah a scholarship to Tennessee State University. At TSU, she blossomed in her communications program which landed her jobs on talk shows, radio shows locally and shortly after in Chicago.

Her success while working for a talk show in Chicago came quick. Before anyone knew what had hit them, the station changed the name of the show to the ‘Oprah Winfrey Show.’ She went on to own her own magazine, talk show and even book club. But her most impressive accomplishment was after she earned success.

Oprah always gives back to her communities and to the less fortunate who are going through the same struggles she had gone through. She built schools, programs, and donated money to various foundations. Her biggest accomplishment in her mind was when she started a school in Africa called the Oprah Leadership Academy. Her hopes are that the girl’s in the academy will become Africa’s and the worlds future. Oprah continues to help the less fortunate and ultimately hopes to see a change.

from Lohra Miller| Women in Leadership http://ift.tt/1KOH0Ll

Mitigate Shrinkage

Are you a retailer who is fed up with continued shrinkage? Shoplifting affects the bottom line of any retail brick and mortar business. Being able to mitigate this offense is of the utmost importance to a business’s health. Shoplifters are not often caught and with an enormous volume of cases flooding courts, the offenders are often not held responsible for their actions. What Lohra Miller and her team at Turning Point Justice aim to do is congregate the interests of retailers as well retailtheftauthorities by educating offenders of the seriousness of their crime and helping them to see the impact of their decisions.


With court rooms packed to the gills, judicial time is spent hearing cases from petty crimes to serious offenses. If a young boy steals candy from a corner store, he should not be waiting to plead his case, sitting next to an offender for a much more serious crime. It is an irresponsible expense of the tax payers money to flood court rooms with such offenses, and in some cases, jail time. In an effort to relieve court system and police efforts from unnecessary expenditures, TPJ can bear the weight of the misdemeanors that can are taking up space in a court house.


In order for offenders to grasps the seriousness of their actions, Lohra Miller and her team are working with law enforcement to enforce a restitution program. Those who steal will be able to pay back the institution they took from, as well as learn the severity of their actions.


To read the original article, click here at Turning Point Justice.

from Lohra Miller| Restorative Justice http://ift.tt/1EVwBNm